Livret d’exposition 2003 – 2004

Livret d’exposition 2003 – 2004
Centre des arts actuels Skol
Montreal, 2004
12 texts (with full traduction)
29 illustrations
88 pages
ISBN : 2-922009-12-2

Essays on the exhibitions of the 2003-2004 programming year.

Artists: Sébastien Cliche, Philippe Hamelin, Rutger Emmelkamp, Sandra Lachance, Dean Baldwin, Guillaume Labrie, Jennifer Lefort et Jeanie Riddle, Catherine Bolduc, Nicolas Juillard, Matthieu Dumont, Christine Lebel, Patrice Duhamel.

Autors: Bernard Schütze, Pierre-Anaïs Parent St-Gelais, Sophie Castonguay, Katy Fortin, Joceline Chabot, Ève Dorais, Jake Moore, Suzanne Joos, Juliana Pivato, Tricia Middleton, Natacha Clitandre, Heather Diack.

Graphist: Uniform