Call for Applications Board of Directors


The Centre des arts actuels Skol Board of Directors seeks two new members.


What We Are Looking For

The candidate must have a keen interest in contemporary art and Skol’s activities. As Skol is currently embarking on major projects, we are looking for candidates interested in contributing to the centre’s present and future.

We’re looking for people with good communication skills, an interest in human and organizational situations, artistic issues and contexts, and/or an interest in the position of Treasurer on the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors is made up of six people, with a two-year renewable mandate. The meetings are held in French.


Board Members’ Responsibilities:

– Ensure good governance of the organization;
– Participate in specific projects;
– Ensure the smooth running of the Board;
– Ensure the implementation of Skol’s mandate;
– Hire, support and supervise executive management;
– Ensure the implementation of the centre’s policies and develop new ones as required;
– Approve centre budgets;
– Approve centre objectives;
– Support management.


Board Duties:

– Attend six meetings per year, equivalent to a minimum of 20 hours of volunteer work ;
– Organize and participate in the annual general meeting;
– Prepare for meetings by reading required documents;
– Maintain good communication with general management;
– Participate in fundraising events;
– Be present at Skol events;
– Promote the centre and its activities.


How to Apply:

Please send a short motivation letter and resume to by June 17, 2024, with the subject line: CA Application. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail at We will be happy to provide you with further information.




*We value cultural diversity. Please indicate if you are from an immigrant or visible minority background, or First Nations, Métis, or Inuit.

*Skol is wheelchair accessible. If you have any questions about our accessibility, please contact us.