Become a member

To become a member of Skol, you can :

1. Download the membership form and mail it to us with a check payable to Centre des arts actuels Skol;

2. Pay your membership fee online with Zeffy.

We will send you your tax receipt by mail. The regular membership fee is $ 20 / year.

Membership form

Faithful to core artist-run centre values, Centre des arts actuels Skol maintains a dynamic relationship with its members, who enrich the centre through their ideas, experience, and critical and artistic knowledge, as well as by occasionally volunteering.

General assembly and board of directors

Our assemblies are moments of togetherness and celebration of our centre! Members are encouraged to voice their opinions by being present and through voting. Members can also apply to become members of the board of directors. The annual general assembly usually takes place in June or July. We keep members informed via the members’ newsletter and through personal email invitations.

Members’ newsletter

Each month, we prepare and send out a newsletter exclusively for Skol members. This newsletter shares the centre’s latest news (new projects, changes in the team, etc.) and special offers from Skol and partner centres (calls for volunteers, calls for submissions, etc.). The newsletter also promotes members’ projects.

Galerie passage des membres

The Galerie passage des membres is an exhibition space dedicated entirely to members. A single work fee is provided for each exhibit in accordance with CARFAC norms.


When possible, the main gallery is available for members’ private activities (rehearsals, meetings, etc.). We also offer temporary office space with access to our Wi-Fi and a printer.


As committee members, Skol members control and reinvent the centre. Some committees are open to all, others function on an invitation-only basis.

Training and workshops

Skol offers many forms of free training to its members. Information regarding this training is provided via our newsletter.

Soirée des membres

Organized by our membership committee, our members’ night is the occasion to discuss artistic processes, issues and collaborative projects. All members are welcome.

Note: We are committed to offering an inclusive environment accessible to gender diversity and marginalized groups.

Skol is wheelchair accessible. If you need special accommodations due to a handicap, please contact us.