A great opportunity to discover the centre and become a member!

Wednesday June 26  —  6 pm 


It’s with great pleasure that Skol invites you to the Annual General Assembly. Whether you are a member or curious to learn more about Skol, you are welcome! 

To allow the evening to run smoothly, you must register in advance.


Right to Vote

We remind you that only members who had paid their annual membership fee (20$) will have the right to vote. To pay your subscription, click here.

We also have two vacant seats on the Board. You can apply here.


Getting Involved

The Annual General Assembly is an opportunity to have news of the centre and its members, to get to know the board of directors, to discover its committees, its functioning and its ambitions.

Your presence at the AGA is very important for the democratic functioning of the Centre. Save the date Wednesday June 26, 2024 – 6 pm. – and don’t forget to register! We look forward to seeing you!

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at



*We value cultural diversity. Please indicate if you are from an immigrant or visible minority background, or First Nations, Métis, or Inuit.


*Skol is wheelchair accessible. If you have any questions about our accessibility, please contact us.