Promiscuous Infrastructures: Artivistic at Skol
Research Residency
June 27 – August 20, 2011
Project Description
Promiscuous Infrastructures is an aspirational assemblage. You might say it’s an admirable if incomplete manifestation of our wildest desires: to build and inhabit states of collective autonomy through art, thought and activism. “Infrastructures” because we realize only we can gather the material and social means required to achieve what we yearn for; and “promiscuous” for the playful, loving, and uncompromising exchanges of mutual self-determination. With these fantasies in mind, the collective will be in residency at Skol over summer 2011: scheming, searching, and sharing with others.
During our residency at Skol, we will conduct research towards the production of our book and make visible the process which is our object of focus. Vital signs will likely include: public interviews with people that have experimented with means of achieving autonomy in some way shape or form; thoughts gathered from our own experiences, collaborations and history from the last seven years of producing large-scale gatherings; documentation of strange and wondrous occurrences that beg the questions “how did they organise that? How do they put bread (and especially wine) on the table? How could we do that (with them)?”; and potentially, if need be, we may provide convincing if incorrect answers to questions that are too easy to ask.
June 11: (Auto)formation sur des méthodes de co-construction de savoirs organized by Nooslogos & GRPTP.
June 17: Live streaming from Paris of the Monetary Utopia Seminar organized by Upgrade!Paris & MCDates as part of Mal au Pixel Festival 2011.
June 29: The Promiscuous Infrastructures of Protest Camps. Knowledgeshare #1 with Anna Feigenbaum and guests.
July 9: Infrastructure Design. Knowledgeshare #2 with Kenneth Bailey (DS4SI).
August 6: DiO (Do-it-Ourselves). OpenSpace on alternative financing + FUSE Magazine launch party.