Steve Topping: Box Expo


May 17 – June 21, 2003

Project Description

Steve Topping’s Super 8 films that explore the physical representation of time and space, are linked to 60’s and 70’s experimental cinema. Topping works with both the specificity of film and site to elaborate a system for their realization and presentation. Some of these films, like Stair Movie, document specific sites that he encounters in buildings he uses. He also made Reading Canada Backwards on freight trains he illegally jumped in order to travel across the country. The work translates this journey into a linear development and invites the viewer to rethink the notion of landscape.

The film that he presents in the small gallery shows the urban landscape surrounding the Alexander Building, in which Skol is located. With the use of a rotating projecting device, the image on the walls moves with panoramic shots to create a contradictory impression of “still movement”.