Group Exhibition: Beauté effraction (beauty break-in)
January 12th — February 25th, 2023
Opening: January 12th, at 5:30 pm
Artists : Chloé Gagnon, Milan Milosavljevic, Ingrid Syage Tremblay et Charline P. William
Project Description:
Through a richly-textured, colourful, and heterogenous collection of works, this exhibition speaks to an intelligence of the flesh and body. Femininity and sensuality suffuse each artist’s aesthetic and subject, rendering a unique and complex notion of beauty in each. They bring out divergences, humour, irreverence, and resistance, while calling upon our sense of passion to counter the disfiguration of the world.*
– * sens de l’éperdu (roughly, “sens of the desperate” or “of passion”) and l’enlaidissement du monde (the “disfiguration” or “uglification of the world”) are expressions coined by Annie Lebrun, Ce qui n’a pas de prix (Paris: Stock, 2018).
Image: Detail of Epitome of Excellence, Chloé Gagnon, acrylic on canvas, 183.5 x 102 cm, 2020.