François Lemieux / Malcolm Sutton: A Thousand and One Xanadus
Poetry reading
Wednesday September 1st 2010, 5pm-9pm
Project Description
In the fall of 2008, artist François Lemieux and writer Malcolm Sutton established a collaboration (a mail exchange) between Montréal and Toronto, based on the title 1001 Xanadus. The title reflected common interests in architectural utopias, in the manifold manifestations of such propositions, and in the idiosyncratic (or all-too-recognizable) desires seeping from them. Lemieux sent sets of images by Canada Post to Sutton, and Sutton likewise sent prose poems to Lemieux. The many allusions built into the title proliferated within the responsive exchange, and undeniable personal interests, not discretely implicated in the title, also sneaked in. This will be the first public reading of 1001 Xanadus.